
Showing posts from October, 2017

Jesus Christ is peace

The history of the world is full of wars and battles that have claimed the lives of thousands and even millions of people throughout the ages Why all these wars? Disputes over power and control over land and states If all the world would outweigh the danger of wars that have destroyed mankind for many generations I hope that peace will prevail all over the world and that all conflicts and wars will disappear and all the world will remain one man Love is spread among all peoples of the world This is the commandment of Christ to all the world that peace prevails and wars disappear Jesus said, "This is my commandment to love one another." Is the commandment of Jesus Christ for the whole world by love for all people and the distance from hatred and adversity

second world war

World War II devastating international conflict began on July 7, 1937 in Asia and September 1, 1939 in Europe and ended in 1945 with the surrender of Japan. Armed forces from 70 countries participated in naval and ground battles. The Second World War was the most comprehensive and costly war in the history of humankind. The Second World War took nearly 60 million human lives between the military and the civilian population. Civilians suffered more casualties in World War II than any war throughout history, due to heavy aerial bombardment of towns and villages created by the Nazi army, which required allies to reciprocate, killing civilians on both sides, in addition to massacres committed by the army Against the Chinese and Korean people to the list of civilian casualties, bringing the number of innocent victims and soldiers to 51 million people, or 2% of the world population in that period. The peace resulting from the decisions of the Paris Conference of 1919 is a major...


World War I is also called the Great War and the war that ended all wars is a war that took place in Europe and then spread to the rest of the world during the years between 1914 and 1918. The war began when the Austro-Hungarian Empire invaded the Kingdom of Serbia. Russia declared war on Austria. Germany entered the war as an ally of Austria and France and Britain entered as allies of Russia. The tripartite accord was composed of Russia, France and the United Kingdom, and the tripartite alliance was the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Germany and Italy. Chemical weapons were first used in World War I and civilians were first bombed from the sky in history. The war witnessed human victims not seen in history before, and the ruling and dominant dynasties of Europe, which originated in the Crusades, fell and the political map of Europe was changed. World War I is the seed of ideological movements such as communism and future conflicts such as World War II, and even the Cold War. The w...

Ballistic Missiles vs Cruise Missiles


USAToday :US Refugee Office Denying Girl Access To Abortion: Rachel Maddow
